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Eastern Point Trust Company Announces Sponsorship Grant

Eastern Point Trust Company Announces Sponsorship Grants to National Forest Foundation


[10/13/2022] — Eastern Point Trust Company (“EPTC”) announced that it entered into a sponsorship with the National Forest Foundation (“NFF”) to provide grant funding in support of NFF’s mission to restore and enhance our National Forests and Grasslands.

Working on behalf of the American public, the NFF leads forest conservation efforts and promotes responsible recreation. Its mission is founded on the belief that these lands, and all they provide, are an American treasure and vital to our communities’ health.

Rachel McCrocklin, Eastern Point’s Chief Client Officer, stated, “Eastern Point welcomes the opportunity to partner with the National Forest Foundation in support of its mission to improve and protect our national lands. A portion of Eastern Point’s revenue is dedicated to funding priority reforestation and enhanced wildlife habitat by supporting the National Forest Foundation’s 50 million for Forrest campaign.”

About Eastern Point Trust CompanyWith over three decades of trustee and trust administration experience, Eastern Point is a world leader in trust innovation that provides fiduciary services to individuals, courts, and institutional clients.

Eastern Point has the benefit of practical experience and industry-leading technology, providing services to over 6,000 trusts with more than 20,000 users across the U.S. and internationally.

About The National Forest FoundationThe National Forest Foundation is the leading organization inspiring personal and meaningful connections to our National Forests, the centerpiece of America’s public lands.

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